Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Many humans like to add humor to their daily business in this life, the Universe, and everything. Here are some examples:
  • There is a cool trailer called the Snack Shack near the ferry terminal in Islesboro, Maine (and yes this princess enjoys the food too!). In addition to fun 1950s art posters and other sundry amusements, the owners have this cute, little, professionally painted sign as a reminder to parents: Unattended children will be given espresso and a free puppy.
  • In a coed bathroom at a state government office building in Maine, a woman placed a notice above a toilet in the bathroom. It read, "WOMEN USE THIS BATHROOM TOO GENTLEMAN PLEASE, PUT THE SEAT DOWN AFTER YOU HAVE FINISHED" It seems a man felt the need to share his perspective as well. His sign read, "MEN USE THIS BATHROOM TOO LADIES PLEASE, PUT THE SEAT UP WHEN YOU HAVE FINISHED"
  • Churches can have funny sayings posted on their outdoor signs. One such saying, "Lead me not into temptation I can find it myself."

So there are varied ways to keep it interesting and blow off some steam when it involves the human condition. Even though no one gets out alive, we can have fun doing it while we're here.

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